Healing Therapies

Are offered on Zarilove Healing Retreats and by personal appointment, in various locations or online please enquire.

Client confidentiality and professionalism are of our highest priority. 

Radical Healing

A 3-3.5 hour powerful journey into the subconscious memories, energetic cellular structures and early-rooted belief systems. Radical Healing is a deep integrated reconnective system developed by Zari, incorporating a variety of effective healing modalities, that work on a mental, emotional, energetic and soul level. This unique healing can be life transforming.

In a deep and safe hypnotic state, the core of our problems can be uncovered, un-earthed and healed at their origin. Replacing and forming new neurological pathways and empowering programs can enable progressive positive living.

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Unhealed events, negative behavioural patterns, memories, beliefs, and unresolved trauma are all influencing factors that control our lives and obstruct our happiness. Mostly we are not consciously aware of what these are and where they stem from as they are buried so deep in the unconscious mind and cellular make-up of the body.

Radical Reconnective Healing can get to this deep level and allow people to find inner solutions, personal truth, and freedom. Let go of the past and live now!

Useful for: PTSD, fears, unhealthy patterns, anxiety, depression, weight loss, grief, improving performance and success, physical illness, addictions, trauma release, letting go of the past, chronic stress, sexual abuse trauma, unloving beliefs, emotional turmoil, anxiety, sexuality, performance, fertility.


Single session £333  3hrs

£888  Radical Healing Intensive Package 3 x sessions  (includes an additional pre-consultation and follow up call via Skype/Phone)


What people say…

“I, like most people have issues from the past that I have tried to hide and forget about for most of my life! Not realising shutting them away was only stopping me move forward with my life!! I can honestly say I’m on my way back to living again! It may sound corny but it has opened up my senses again. I now realise the importance of healing yourself and the power of holistic therapy after being a total cynic!!!! I can’t begin to thank you enough Zari for helping me through this healing journey.”

  • Richard George, UK, Entrepreneur

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TRE® Trauma Release Exercises

TRE®  Tension and Trauma release exercises are a set of 7 exercises developed by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, that assist the body in downregulating our nervous system and unwinding deep muscular holding patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. It can be helpful in relieving pain and PTSD, increasing flexibility, vitality, aliveness and sensitivity, as well as improving posture and health.

Coined as a revolutionary way to feel good. Tre® is a somatic based therapy that works with the physiology of the body (rather than the psychological story). This modality helps to release the old parts of the brain from, Fight, Flight Freeze and Dissociation responses and engage our Vagus Nerve – the more evolved, socially engaged part of the brain. These session include additional aura cleansing and energy clearing to remove heavy energetic debris.  


This ‘unfreezing’ or ‘mobilization’ of our life force energy, which, when done in a safe and controlled way, can help us to reclaim 100% of our vital power, and return to a place of equilibrium, relaxation, sensuality, joy, presence, and connection to ourselves, others and the world around us.

Useful for: PTSD, fears, phobias, anxiety, addictions, depression, sexual abuse, weight loss, grief, impotence, improving performance and success, emotional release, physical pain, cravings, addictions, trauma release, debilitating thought patterns, lack of confidence, self-esteem, letting go of the past, self-sabotaging behaviours.



Single session £144

3 x session package £397



Single session £177 – as above and includes extra energy balance /realignment/ sound or/and healing

3 x session package £497


Online 1-2-1  or clinic

Small group online session (please contact for details)


Bring TRE® to your work place. Check out our corporate packages.

Private workshops for groups of 8 – 14 can be arranged.


What people say

‘These sessions helped me to reclaim my missing parts of my energy, reconnect to my body and self in a new and profound way! Tre has been the link in my trauma and stress recovery. I can’t believe how easy, powerful and effective it is. Felt amazing and energised afterwards.

Everybody needs a healthy shake!

Max W. Sussex. UK. Nutritional Therapist 


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Kundalini Kriya Yoga

These sessions are focused on balancing and awakening your Vital life energy through various yogic, tantric and energy techniques. Kriya yoga uses mudras, breath control, mantra and specific body movements as energy keys for self-realisation. Kundalini can be described as the essence that creates all of life, the serpent goddess, the divine feminine, Shakti or the primordial energy. Kundalini energy is waiting to be awoken, to rise up the spine and meet the Shiva energy -the divine masculine or pure consciousness at the crown. Some people’s kundalini awakens spontaneously and without the support of a teacher. This can cause complications on a physical, emotional and mental capacity.

Awakening kundalini is essential for the souls illumination and self realisation. Kundalini purifies the chakras as it ascends, bringing all that does not serve us to the surface in order to return us to love and bliss consciousness. If you are looking to explore the energy in a safe and controlled way or already have kundalini awakened and are looking for support and guidance, these sessions can help you balance your energy, clear triggered trauma and advance on the pathless path. 


In the East it was considered vital to have a teacher/guide/guru to guide and balance this energy.

Useful for: toxic patterns, spiritual awakening, sexual vitality, creativity, happiness, health, deeper connection to life and Self.


EXCHANGE: 75-90 minutes

Online 1:1   3 x session package £497  (including kundalini energy alignment transmission, bespoke Sadhana program)


For personal full day or 1/2 day 1:1 retreat or small group- inc yoga, meditation healing please inquire.


In person studio sessions please get in touch

What people say

‘A mind blowing, life changing day! Zari worked with my energy in a gentle and yet such a profoundly powerful way. I felt safe and in expert hands. I am feeling more positively energised, insightful and genuinely supported in this awakening.’

Amelia F. London. UK.  


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oracle readings

Relationship Oracle Readings

What if you could uncover the blocks and blindspots playing out in your personal, platonic and romantic relationships in minutes? Imagine uncovering what could take years in therapy, or couples counselling in one or a couple of sessions. Zari has developed unique insight tool to awaken you out of suffering and propel you towards deeper love and happiness. These readings are ideal for those looking to resolve relationship struggles or those who are on the self- development path and are ready to take a deeper dive into personal transformation and spiritual self-realisation. SAVE $$$$$ in therapy in just one session.

If you are repeating the same patterns in your relating, unable to resolve an issue, looking to gain insight into your own and partner’s hidden attributes, or just wanting to excel on your spiritual path alone or as a couple, then this reading can provide powerful and profound insight you will not find anywhere else. It might just save a marriage, end feelings of separation and disharmony or fast track you to the next level of intimacy and enlightenment. Resolve issues with friends, family, partners or work colleagues.

With Zari –  Spiritual coach. Tantra facilitator and healer, therapist.


Useful for: People who want to improve their intimate or platonic partnerships. Those looking to developing a more sacred, healthier, happier relationship with themselves, family, friends or intimate partners. Anyone feeling stuck in destructive patterns and programs and working on self-developement. Those seeking more union, peace, and pleasure into their life. Spiritual seekers on the awakening path, looking to removes the blocks to liberation.


EXCHANGE: 60-75 mins

Package Price 3 x sessions -£497

Partnership insight and coaching reading

Personal insight reading and coaching

Online sessions via Zoom, Whats app or Skype.

What people say

‘I am blown away by what came to light during this reading and coaching session. It has helped me see my part to play and as a result this has empowered me in my relationship and life in general. My ego didn’t like it at first, as the session exposed aspects of my own and my partners subconscious behaviours that have been sabotaging our happiness for years. I wish I had know about this along time ago. It has created a HUGE shift our relationship, and we have since been able to connect in a more conscious, loving and healthy way. It was such an enlightening session. I am would recommend it to anyone who wants to get over themselves and feel free.  

Sophia. K. Holistic Coach. NYC 

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Sexual Healing and Awakening

Reconnect to your sacred sensual body and full capacity for pleasure. Find new ways of loving and living, free from conditioning, guilt and shame.

These sessions comprise of a combination of therapeutic and sacred energy practices such as trauma healing, tantra, breath-work, Kundalini yoga, coaching (and more). They are intuitively guided to help you reconnect to your body, sacred sexuality and Pranic life-force energy- SHAKTI.

Sexual healing and sacred sensual awakening is something we all need to do to not only improve intimate relationships, but our career, creativity, joy, fertility and our ability to love and live radiantly. Freeing up our life force energy will set you free in countless ways.


1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men, report having experienced sexual violence, childhood sexual abuse, rape and harassment. Sadly, it is a very common issue that society has kept swept under the carpet for far too long. Left resolved, this trauma creates shame, guilt, unworthiness, depression, illnesses (especially pelvic related), weight issues, addictions, anxiety, anger and self-punishment/sabotage to name a few! It can prevent us from having healthy sexual and imitate relationships, a successful career and a prosperous and happy life.

Useful for: Sexual trauma, PTSD, intimate relationship issues, infertility, pelvic disorders. People who consciously do not have any past memories but feel something is not right in their body. People who want to improve their intimate partnership and capacity for pleasure; developing a more sacred, healthier, happier relationship with their sexuality. Those feeling stuck, and wanting to invite more creativity, aliveness and pleasure into their life.

EXCHANGE: (please inquire for trauma healing program)


*Subject to a short interview assessment to confirm this work is appropriate and suitable for you at this time. These sessions do not involve any nudity. Zarilove have the right to decline or end sessions without discrimination with anyone who they do not is appropriate for this work.

What people say

‘These sessions released and cleansed so any old memories and traumas rooted in guilt, blame and shame. I am now able to find more peace, respect and love for myself and my body. Working with Zari has opened a whole new way relating with consciousness and love. I feel safer and more at ease and it has helped me piece together and make sense of so many things that happened. I can finally begin to feel happier and stop blaming, hurting and sabotaging myself’

Louise Haywood. USA. Teacher

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EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT is one of the most effective, efficient and non- invasive treatment techniques for resolving just about any unwanted fear, emotion, trauma, pain, disempowering belief or behaviour. EFT was developed by Gary Graig, and uses a gentle yet powerful tapping technique ( that work on a similar principle as Acupuncture- -without needles!) whilst focusing on the issue. can bring life-changes and lasting effects. It is very helpful for trauma as it does not require the client to talk in-depth, only to focus on somatic sensations and memory.  It is safe, easy to apply and gets results in minutes. Zari uses EFT in combination with spiritual wisdom to establish authentic freedom.


EFT uses a light finger tapping sequence on the acupressure points along the meridian energy lines of the body, hands, and face. It can detach the emotional charge from painful memories and events, and release blockages in the body’s energy system that can cause dis-ease. EFT can deliver groundbreaking opportunities for physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing in an accelerated time frame; relieving psychological stress, emotional disturbances, physical pain and personal suffering. Ideal for those on the awakening path.

This treatment is complimented with energy medicine healing and subconscious pattern clearing as a perfect end to the session.

Useful for: PTSD, fears, phobias, anxiety, addictions, depression, weight loss, grief, impotence, improving performance and success, emotional release, physical pain, cravings, addictions, trauma release, debilitating thought patterns, lack of confidence, childhood trauma, self-esteem, letting go of the past, self-sabotaging behaviours, kundalini awakening, mental and emotional blocks.


Package Price

Online – 3 sessions £495

Advanced EFT practitioner service.


What people say

‘These sessions helped me to find a lot of relief and ease from anxiety and panic attacks after a horrific near-death car accident. The flashbacks and traumatic memories stopped repeating and I gained the confidence to get back a car and drive again. EFT also helped me deal with the grief of my father’s death, let go of guilt, blame so could find peace and move on. Zari is a real earth angel!’

Trish Adam. Manchester. UK. Nutrition Coach

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Spiritual Life Coaching

If you are looking for quality guidance in your spiritual or kundalini awakening, and are ready to dive deeper into true self- realisation, through shadow work, self reflection and self inquiry Zari can offer you a safe, loving, authentic and professional space to be heard, seen, heal, and expand your reality and perception.

These sessions offer a pillar of support and energetic support on your healing and spiritual path.

After a profound spiritual and kundalini awakening, Zari’s consciousness was significantly shifted, to the point where she had to find her way back to..

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being in a human ‘body’ again- but one without  Trauma and suffering. Spiritual growth and daily life lessons can be intense. Having guidance through this process is priceless and essential at times. You do not have to do this alone, Zari has over 20 years of experience exploring, healing, spiritual seeking, working and living all over the world with spiritual masters.

Zari has an integrated and embodied approach to life, as she values the co-existence of duality and non-duality in our current world, believing that it is vital we do not spiritually, bypass our human experiences, emotions, and body as a means to escape. We have to be a fully embodied human and simultaneously consciously awake.

Useful for: Spiritual guidance, personal development, Kundalini awakening, general life issues, relationships, career direction, self-esteem, letting go of the past, self-sabotaging behaviours.



Online package Price 1hr  3 x  sessions = £497

In person Clinic price – please inquire


What people say

‘Absolutely incredible, wonderful, and fantastic..it has enabled me to make so much sense of my life, of why I am the way I am, why I done the things I have done, the choices and decisions I have made and how I arrived at where I am now… I am so grateful for this awareness and it has brought about a shift in me, which is empowering and liberating’

Elizabeth Grant. Sheffield. UK. House wife

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Crystal Light Bath and Sound Healing

This unique and powerful healing crystal system, uses the vibrations of both chromotherapy (colour) and crystal frequencies to cleanse and harmonise the body’s energetic frequency. Pulsating coloured light is beamed onto the body’s chakras through powerfully charged quartz crystals. This light and sound restores the correct vibration in the body’s cells, aura and organs and brings about physical and mental balance.

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These unique crystals transmit the healing light and compassionate energy of higher spiritual dimensions and have been charged and cleansed in Sacred Healing Waterfalls.

Healing is therefore individually transmitted to each person and their recognised needs.

The extraordinary and beautiful properties of this treatment are said to:

  • Create a deep feeling of relaxation, peace, and rejuvenation
  • Trigger and accelerate the healing processes
  • Bring clarity and insight to current life issues and future path
  • Initiate and develop spiritual awareness
  • Realign the chakras and aura frequencies

Zari works with this therapy as a portal, in conjunction with inter dimensional channel healing and bodywork for maximum results. This treatment is available on some retreats and in certain locations. Only available on specific dates during the month, or online as distant healing sessions.


Online small group transmission £44  Check the events page for dates

Online One to One £111


In person only in clinic (limited times/availability)

£69 – 45 minutes ~ Crystal bath combined with crystal bowls, energy healing.

£139 – 1.5 hrs ~ Crystal bath combined with crystal bowls, energy healing aromatherapy massage and angelic/reiki/spiritual healing.

What people say…

” How beautiful and extraordinary, I felt Zari’s hands and other hands. The whole experience was one of loving, caring – deep peace and love.  An experience beyond explanation”

– Ocia Koranteng Manchester. UK. Charity Worker 

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Energy Healing Massage

This nourishing and soothing massage incorporates pressure release, and rebalancing techniques, with Reiki master and spiritually-guided energy healing for deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and reconnection.

Our body remembers the past and the fascia tissue holds memories and emotional imprinting. When we suffer from stress and overwhelming situations, our muscles tighten and tense in protective reflex responses. Relieving these holding patterns from the muscles and myofascial connective tissue can help to relieve pain, and bring balance to the emotional and nervous system; increasing flexibility, lightness, and mobility in all areas of life..


Our unique treatment uses a blend of our own beautiful and 100% natural, aromatherapy oils, or masculine blend. An aromatic invitation into healing touch and the essence of you.

The combination of this healing massage with our aromatherapy and energy clearing practices go beyond muscle tension alone and can be effective for helping with many problems including:

PTSD, chronic stress, pain relief, depression, illness, emotional turmoil, anxiety, energy recharge, trauma, Freeze responses, blood and lymphatic circulation, sleep, improved digestion, women’s health, hormone balancing, mood, libido and strengthening the immune and nervous systems.

When combined with Crystal Light Bed Therapy it can have very powerful effects.


IN person only

2 hrs 15mins

£188 –  including 1 hr energy healing.

*Option to combine with the Crystal Bath on selected days (see events calendar)

What people say…

“I had never had a massage like this before, Zari’s touch was one of real presence and love. For the first time, I felt I could feel love and be in acceptance of my body, it touched me very deeply.”

– Mark. W. USA. Doctor

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Breath and Energetic Bodywork

This treatment is designed to awaken life force energy, release old patterns and energy blockages; creating more presence, lightness, and aliveness. Conscious connected breathing combined with energetic and somatic bodywork techniques can dissolve our defensive cellular armour, increase sensitivity, expand consciousness and reconnect you with your sensual body, heart, creativity, and higher truth.

It can be helpful for all issues, including releasing stress, unresolved trauma, pain, unmet emotion and general tension from the mind, body, and heart. This session can bring clarity and deeper insights and spiritual connections..

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Safely reactivating and mobilising our Pranic life energy can help us to meet, heal and release feelings and emotions from the past, moving us out of depression, negativity, procrastination, fear responses, and ill-health.

This session draws inspiration from breathwork practices, sound healing, Kundalini, shamanic body de-armouring, somatic awareness, and energy healing. It can bring deep cathartic release and also help to promote self-healing, spiritual insight and meditative relaxation.


EXCHANGE 2 – 2.5hrs

In person/ clinic £222-  breath and trauma release intensive

3 x session package £622


Private workshops for groups of 5 – 12 can be arranged

What people say…

‘What I have to say about Zari’s energy work: • unbelievably healing • restorative- renewing • deeper than I could’ve imagined • intuitive • psychic • therapeutic… Left your touch feeling a sense of new beginning that was out of this world! Zari had me raving about her healing touch!”…

– Kindred Sheeler USA, Singer-Songwriter and Performer


Your breath is a bridge between you and your body…

–  OSHO The Book of Secrets

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Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP

Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective way of rewiring negative and obstructive mental thought processes and breaking habits, through gaining direct access into the subconscious part of our mind. These sessions use Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP and integrated energy techniques including- Transactional Analysis, energy release-cord cutting, Regression, Ego states, NLP empowerment techniques and more.

Integrated Spiritual and clinical Hypnotherapy uses skilled relaxation techniques with the power of suggestion to reframe and reprogram new positive behaviours, thoughts, responses, and feelings. Life-changing results can be achieved. Learn the invaluable self-hypnosis techniques for a lifetime of personal empowerment.

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Past Life Regression therapy and Quantum Healing is an Eastern soul-level therapy, ultimately used to gain insight and access to memories of previous lives.  It can be very effective in rectifying life blocks, conditions and symptoms that otherwise have not been resolved by addressing current-life experiences or healing methods. It can bring great clarity into your relationships and life.

Personalised hypnotic recordings can be made for daily use to deeply imbed in your new program.

Hypnotherapy, NLP and PLR can be helpful for: anxiety, weight loss, empowerment, confidence, stress release, sleep, eating disorders, addictions, pain, performance, relationship, sports, self-acceptance, social interaction, cravings, fear and phobia management, trauma, and much more.


Online package-  3 sessions = £695



What people say…

…The session was simply enlightening: I felt alive again. Everyone around me can see the difference. I am more at ease and I am actually genuinely SMILING all time. So all in all an amazing feeling. All the things that were bothering me before the session are now not affecting me. I just smile and MOVE ON!

– Rania Mushtaha. Dubai UEA

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Reiki & Spiritual Healing

This intuitive healing can be very effective in the assistance of stress and support all other medical and therapeutic techniques in accelerating the body’s natural recovery.

Reiki is an ancient Japanese hands-on healing system, promoting deep physical relaxation and wellbeing. It is considered an alternative form of medicine and can be helpful for virtually all illnesses. Zari combines Reiki Master Healing with ‘Channel Healing’ from the higher cosmic dimensions and angelic realms, opening the gateway for spiritually guided wisdom, psychic healing, and life force energy to flow. Her work as been endorsed and blessed by spiritual masters of Bhutan, Tibet and India.

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It is not religious and considered safe for everyone, even during pregnancy.


In-person only inquire please


Reiki Level 1 & 2 Training available at certain times of the year. Please check the events calendar.

What people say…

‘Zari, your healing hands brought about a big change in my life. I feel happy and at ease. You have healing hands and more…’

-Barbara Wagner, Zurich. Switzerland

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Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Meditation

These ancient energy medicine practices activate energetic meridian system to promote health, balance and longevity.

Meditation is a doorway into your inner world and treasures. We offer a wide range of creative, dynamic and guided meditations, inspired by Sufi’s, Osho, Indian wisdom,  NLP empowerment, Tantra heart, soul journeys, sensual art, meditative movement and fun active processes to find more self-awareness  and presence.

The infinite Tai Chi sequence is a fusion of contemporary and traditional slow and graceful meditative movements, designed to increase awareness, balance and raise your conscious vibration. Chi-Kung exercises are strengthening and empowering which cultivate life force energy to promote healing and vitality.

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EXCHANGE: Individual and Group Meditation or  Taoist energy workshops or one to one coaching available.


Online Private Taoist/ Himalayan or Kundalini Energy and Meditation 1 day retreat  please inquire

3 x session Immersion £647

What people say…

‘The Tai Chi experience was a highlight for me. It was so beautiful, graceful and quite spiritual, which surprised me. It touched something deep within me that actually made me cry, I can’t really explain what it was?! I felt a lot of tingling energy in my body and afterwards, I felt so light and peaceful, like I was floating’.

Geraldine Hilliard. Rio Grande Do Sul. Brazil. Psychologist

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What others have to say….