
Spiritual Healing, Crystal light bath and sound bowls- Manchester

Saturday, 7 Jan 2023
– Tuesday, 10 Jan 2023

10:00 – 20:00


In this global crisis our energy field need to be realigned into a higher frequency and paradigm. It is time to rise above the chaos, eliminate the past, old patterns and stale energies, recharge and upgrade your cellular system.

Our ascension is the process of spiritual awakening that moves us into a higher level of consciousness, and vibration.

Experience the extraordinary Crystal Chromotherapy system combined with inter-dimensional/channel healing. This processes similar to Reiki healing but tubes into the energy of spiritual dimensions, angelic realms to bring about your healing. 

Currently being offered once per month at  Manchester Acupuncture Clinic in Chorlton. 

 The Crystal Chromotherapy system is a powerful combination of crystals and lights that you lie underneath, whilst receiving energy healing from Zari, these sessions reset your cellular system, balance emotions and realign yourself with the vibration of LOVE. 

This is a deeply relaxing, unique and uplifting experience. It could also make a wonderful Gift for someone else.

  1. Crystal Bed with Inter-dimensional  healing (45 mins) -price £60
  2. Crystal Bed with Inter-dimensional  healing and energy healing massage (90 mins) price £120

This Crystal Chromotherapy uses the vibrations of both colours (connected to each chakra) and crystal therapy to cleanse and harmonise the body’s energetic frequency. Pulsating coloured light is beamed onto the body’s chakras through powerfully charged quartz crystals. This light restores the correct vibration in the body’s cells, aura, and organs and brings about physical and mental balance.

This System is said to act as a direct link to the spiritual light beings in South America who have been offering unique healing to thousands of people worldwide. Healing is therefore individually transmitted to each person and their recognised needs.


The extraordinary and beautiful properties of this treatment are said to:

*Create a deep feeling of relaxation, peace, and rejuvenation

*Help heal aliments

*Accelerate the healing processes

*Bring clarity and insight to current life issues and future path

*Initiate and develop spiritual awareness

*Realign the chakras and aura frequencies

*Support the organs and body functions

*Support energetically individually


Zari has been energy healing for 20 years, she is a Reiki master, bodyworker and channel healer. She works across the globe running events and healings. Zari’s and her healing work have been blessed by many rinpoche’s lama’s and enlightened masters.

During these treatments, she offers ‘hands on off healing’ working in your energy field in conjunction with the crystal chromotherapy system bed to strengthen the healing work and connection to her guides and the spiritual beings who work through this portal. She works with illness, trauma, addictions, depression, sexual abuse, pain, anxiety, and spiritual and heart reconnection.

This combined crystal and hands one healing treatment is deeply relaxing and restorative and reconnecting. Perfect to realign, rebalance and bring lightness, clarity, and wellbeing. Highly recommended and enjoyed by so many.


“A beautiful peaceful and safe energy that surrounds you'” Leah Walters 5*

“How beautiful and extraordinary. I felt Zari’s hands and other hands. the whole experience was one of loving, caring, holding energy. Deep peace and love. An experience beyond explanation”. Ocia. Charity Worker. 5*

“Amazing and peaceful experience, healing me on a very deep level. the wellbeing I felt of the crystal bed and Zari’s healing hands was sensational well and worth having. a mind, body, soul uplifting session.” Claire Patrick. Therapist.5*

“I felt an over-all effect immediately- my tiredness was overcome. I saw large beautiful expanses of my crown chakra” Joyce 5*

“Wow such a clearing experience I felt so relaxed and so aligned and free from negative energy” Angela Caine Coach 5*

“It helped me realize what I needed to do now to heal my soul. Zari is a blessing”. Julie Kenney Smith. 5* Salon Owner.

“A wonderful relaxing experience. Zari has a very calming energy and a welcoming presence about her. I felt a sensation of falling inward, and intense heat up my right side, a sense of relief, A fabulous treatment. Kay Caine 5*

“Really wonderful session didn’t want it to end.” Linda Joyce. Ocean Therapist. 5*

“A wonderful healing, six of my angels took the opportunity to come in and work on me” 5* Maureen Rous. Past Life and animal healer

“Absolutely amazing experience. Highly recommended to anybody wanting to try out Reiki- very gifted and the best money I’ve spent” Serena 5* musician

“A beautiful, serene experience, of peace and contentment, all pain from my neck and shoulders gone, felt like I was floating above my body. highly recommended” serenity 5* security officer.

“A truly beautiful experience. I felt like my whole body was melting into love and healing” 5* Elizabeth Grant

‘Wonderful experience, felt two sets of hands and waterfall healing’ Lisa Mc mearn 5*

“A divine experience which always moves me forward in life. Left feeling wonderful and floaty’. Marianne Taviner. 5*

“On the 1st visit, Zari healed and released all the past hurt, grief and terrible experiences that had been trapped in my body for decades. On the 2nd Zari and the deities performed a spiritual surgery on my stomach and bowels. I felt better in myself than I had for years. I saw a vision of Jesus and my son. On the 3rd visit, I felt a healing light fill my whole body with warmth and peace and I received insight about my mission as a writer. I can’t recommend Zari enough. she is a warm, intuitive, sensitive healer with a magical Reiki touch. Margaret Smith, Retired teacher. 5*

Contact ZARI via email or phone to get your allocated TIME, just pay a small deposit and rest on the day or book via the eventbrite link.

  1. Crystal Bed with Inter-dimensional healing (40 mins) total/full price £66
  2. Crystal Bed with Inter-dimensional  healing and energy healing massage (90 mins) price £133

*Vouchers available if you want to offer this as a gift.

Allocated time slots from 10.00am – 7 pm on the day.

There are only 8 spaces per day for these event-


Tel: 0773 800 0016

At the Manchester Acupuncture Clinic, 583 Barlow Moor Road. Chorlton.


If you would like be trained in Reiki Healing by Zari and initiated into these light dimensions

– check out Reiki Level 1 and 2 trainings

Event Location

Manchester acupuncture clinic , 583 barlow moor road, chorlton
Manchester , M21 8AE

Event Fees

crystal healing
£ 45.00

« MAY     « JUN July 2024 AUG »     SEPT »
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TRE® Tension, Stress and Trauma Release Exercises and Sound Bath HealingTRE® Tension, Stress and Trauma Release Exercises and Sound Bath Healing

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19:00 - 21:00TRE® Trauma & Tension Release Exercises are a more

12 Seats

TRE® Tension, Stress and Trauma Release Exercises and Sound Bath Healing

TRE® Trauma & Tension...
Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024
Time: 19:00 - 21:00


























Spiritual Healing and Crystal light bath sessions- Manchester Spiritual Healing and Crystal light bath sessions- Manchester

Sunday, 28 Jul 2024
10:00 - 20:00


13 Seats

Spiritual Healing and Crystal light bath sessions- Manchester


Sunday, 28 Jul 2024
Time: 10:00 - 20:00


Spiritual Healing and Crystal light bath sessions- Manchester Spiritual Healing and Crystal light bath sessions- Manchester

Sunday, 28 Jul 2024
10:00 - 20:00


13 Seats

Spiritual Healing and Crystal light bath sessions- Manchester


Sunday, 28 Jul 2024
Time: 10:00 - 20:00





Awakening Self-Love

This workshop is a door opener into awakening more self-acceptance, awareness and loving kindness into our lives. The most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves, as this forms the foundation for our relationships with others and ultimately our happiness.

Embark on a beautiful 2-day journey of practical exercises, meditations and therapeutic, expressive practices, designed to reconnect you back to your heart and your true loving nature. Wrap your heart around your life. Say YES to You.

You will learn about:
  • Identifying the role of our inner critic and self-sabotaging, damaging patterns
  • Reconnecting to our inner-child and activate more joy and freedom in daily life
  • EFT/NLP techniques to break free of beliefs that limit self-love and disempowered living
  • Nourishing practices to reconnect with your body, heart and compassionate conscious self
  • 5 essential keys to self-love and activating our heart empowered nature
  • Finding a deeper more intimate and authentic relationship with yourself
  • Discovering ways to open to giving and receiving more love and connecting with others

Where: TBC

When: TBC

Who: All Welcome



You are invited to a magical day of creative discovery into your sacred feminine expression and embodiment. Join this unique journey of art, meditation, movement and ancient energy practices to awaken your Goddessence and unveil your inner treasures.

Creative expression can be a gateway into our inner world and deeper subconscious layers. As we cleanse, open and activate the delights of the sacral chakra, we can begin to access energy keys for divine feminine wisdom, aliveness and pleasure.

Just say YES! to your whole ecstatic being!

You will learn about:
  • Opening the channel for sacred feminine expression, healing and awakening through Art practices and conscious movement
  • Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Tibetan practices to cultivate radiant life force energy, feminine health and vitality.
  • 6 Healing sounds for chakra realignment, activation and emotional balance.
  • Reconnecting with your intrinsic receptive and intuitive feminine nature.
  • Unlocking and your body’s vital energy centre, enabling you to embrace your power, sensuality and grace.
  • Deepening your connection with your body, heart and soul’s divine wisdom.



Who: All Women



Join us for enlightening fusion of Art, Heart and Mindfulness. HeARTfulness is the ART of creative conscious movement; facilitated by heart opening exercises, sound and wholesome energy practices. This fun, creative and interactive meditation is an opportunity to relax your mind, open your heart and let your soul express.

Let go of the past and future and begin experiencing the miracles of living in the colour of NOW!

You will learn about:
  • Unlocking the soul’s palate and flow of intuitive expression.
  • Expanding your conscious awareness and presence in body, heart and spirit.
  • Moving beyond thoughts and deepening into inner peace and stillness.
  • The benefits of Meditation including:
    • Improved physical health and wellbeing
    • Lower stress and blood pressure
    • Increased feelings of Happiness, love and calmness
    • Emotional and mental balance
    • Clarity, focus and improved memory
    • Better sleep, moods and concentration

No Art experience or skill necessary. The focus is on the process rather than outcomes.

Where: TBC

When: TBC

Who: All Welcome


Goddessence Chi Flow

Realign with your feminine grace and Goddessence, through the ancient Chinese sacred Arts of Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Goddessence flow, utilizes ancient Taoist and Tibetan energy practices and graceful meditative movements for optimum feminine health, balance and radiance.

This fusion of traditional and contemporary exercises and sequences, can help to purify and open our chakras and energy channels. Enabling us to become more connected in body, heart and soul, and the expression of our divine essence to flow.

During these weeks we will journey together cultivating, harnessing and awakening our ‘Chi’- life force energy, to raise our vibration and invite conscious femininity, well-being and sensual aliveness.

You will learn about:
  • The infinite Tai Chi ‘short form’ sequence of elegant mindful movements.
  • Cultivating and circulating life force energy, through gentle and strengthening Chi Kung practices designed for health, vitality and wellbeing.
  • Strengthening and cleansing your energy field from stress, emotional debris and negativity.
  • Tapping into your feminine (‘Chi’) energy treasures and medicine for healing, restoration and radiant sensual living.
  • Anchoring into your center of balance, stillness and empowerment.
  • Rebalancing the chakras and opening channels for your divine Goddessence, grace and inner beauty to flow.

Where: TBC

When: TBC

Who: Women, in all phases on their journey



CathART is a creative surgery and medicine for the body, heart and soul. These half day mini workshops use cathartic (releasing) art practices, dynamic meditations and holistic modalities and as a vehicle for soul expression, insight and therapeutic healing. These fun, yet powerful sessions can help to remove blocks, stress and clear pathways for change, reconnection and personal freedom.

Our creative expression can become an insightful mirror to our inner subconscious world, revealing what is often left unspoken. As we begin to explore and give space to what needs to be healed, heard and expressed, HUGE transformation can happen in all areas of our life.

Say Yes to letting go and creating space for peace!

You will learn about:
  • Releasing stress chemicals, negative thoughts and stuck energy that can cause dis-ease.
  • Processing unexpressed emotions and healing unconscious ‘stuff’ that is standing in the way of your peace and happiness.
  • Unleashing your creative medicine for improved mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing.
  • Dynamic meditations including: breathing, conscious catharsis, empowerment. stillness and celebration.
  • Art practices for Self-expression, self-discovery and personal growth
  • NLP and mind-empowering exercises to let go of the past and embrace NOW.
  • Moving forward with positive creative solutions, insight and clarity to your life issues.
  • Developing more presence, awareness, inner stillness and more……

No previous Art experience or skill necessary. The focus is on the process rather than outcomes. Workshops maybe topic lead.

Where: TBC

When: TBC

Who: All Welcome. Over 18


Creative Relating

INFO to follow.

Where: TBC

When: TBC

Who: All Welcome


Reclaiming the Creative Inner Child

This fun and inspiring workshop is an invitation to connect to the joyful innocence and free creative expression of the creative child within. Embark on a beautiful 2-day journey of practical creative exercises, guided meditations and therapeutic practices, designed to reconnect you back to your pure and joyful childlike essence.

When we allow ourselves to play BIG and connect to the world through the innocent eyes, curiosity and imagination of a child, a whole new world opens up to us.

As a child we were subjected to the conditioning of our environment and we learnt very quickly how to survive by adapting our natural instincts and expression. Many of us were shut down in our creativity and natural playful expression, which strongly affects our lives today, including: our ability to enjoy life, how we express ourselves, our self-beliefs, our ability to take risks, chosen career, relationships and even down to our dress sense-the list is endless!

It is time to Say YES and give permission for more fun, joy and spontaneity in your life.

You will learn about:
  • Identifying the relationship between your adult self, past conditioning and inner child.
  • Healing the past and establishing a positive, supportive reconnection to your inner-child.
  • EFT/NLP techniques to break free of limiting beliefs, fears and disempowered living.
  • Moving from contraction to expansion-from the wounded child to the empowered child and adult, who is free open and free to live a more creative and pleasureful life.
  • Expand your awareness of joy and pleasure through creative tools for conscious living.
  • Breathwork, movement, active meditations, group and individual creative and therapeutic practices, designed to unblock creative energy, open the heart and generate more aliveness.

Where: TBC

When: TBC

Who: All Welcome


“Those who realize the self are always satisfied”... Bhagavad Gita.